Canni Cafe & Infusion Bar is a gathering place for friends, neighbors, and creatives to explore new horizons and indulge in a truly extraordinary experience.

810 S 5th St, Milwaukee, WI 53204

General Inquiries –
Events/Booking –
Phone (414) 488-9319

Author: Colin

CANNI / Articles posted by Colin (Page 2)

Sip and Relax: The Kava Bar Experience and the Art of Enjoying KavaIntroductionIn the world of herbal beverages, kava has been capturing the attention of thoseseeking an alternative path to relaxation and socialization. Kava bars have beensprouting up across the globe, offering a unique and culturally rich experience for thosewho wish to unwind and connect in a more mindful way. In this blog, we will delve intothe world of kava bars and explore the best ways to enjoy this soothing...

Finding More Botanical Infused Drinks & Learning That Alcohol Doesn't Have To Be The Only Social Lubricant The Rise of Plant-Based Alternatives for 20-40-Year-OldsOver the past decade, a significant shift has been underway, especiallyamong the younger generation, as they reconsider their relationship withalcohol. Traditional alcohol consumption, long a cornerstone of socialgatherings and relaxation, is losing ground to a new wave of plant-basedalternatives. These alternatives are infused with adaptogens like kava andkanna and functional mushrooms, offering a refreshing change to the...

Infusion Bars - Developing a New Trend in An Old Fashion Town In one of the thirstiest parts of the country, a new and refreshing social experience awaits. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, people are increasingly seeking waysto unwind, de-stress, and enhance their overall well-being. The quest forrelaxation and wellness has given rise to a new trend: infusion bars. Theseunique cafe bars specialize in infusions of adaptogenic mushrooms, kanna,kava kava, and hemp, offering patrons a one-of-a-kind experience designed...